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Biblioteca do SINARJ
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Autor | Título |
ACKER, Louis S. & SAKOIAN, Frances | O Manual do Astrólogo |
ADAR, BEL | Guia Prático de Astrologia. São Paulo: Pensamento |
ADAR, BEL (org.)
| Manual Prático de Astrologia |
ALEXANDER, Roy | Tecnicas de Aconselhamento Astrologico |
ALEXANDER, Roy | Chart Synthesis: Applied Interpretation in Natal Astrology. Wellinghorough: Aquarian Pren, 1984. |
ALEXANDRINUS, Paulus | Late Classical Astrology : Paulus Alexandrinus and Olympiodorus |
AMORIM, Hélio | Curso de Interpretação Astrologica vol 4 |
ANDERSON, Karl | Astrology of the Old Testament |
ANTARES, Georges | El Arte de la Interpretación Astrológica. Barcelona: Obelisco, 1982. |
ANTARES, Georges | Manual Practico de Astrologia. Barcelona: 1986. |
ARROYO, Stephen | Normas Práticas Para Interpretação do Mapa Natal |
ARROYO, Stephen | Astrologia Psicológica e os Quatro Elementos |
BARBAULT, Andre | El Pronostico Experimental en Astrologia |
BARBAULT, Andre | Tratado Prático de Astrologia. São Paulo: Cultrin, 1995. |
BARBAULT, Anne | Introdução a Astrologia |
BAYER, George | Bible Interpretation |
BAYER, George | Four Hundred Years of Astrology to Practical use and other Matters |
BENEDETTI, Waldenir | Astrologia para Um Novo Ser |
BENEDETTI, Waldenir | Interpretação do Horóscopo: técnicas e estilos. Rio de Janeiro: Hipocampo, 1993. (dois volumes) |
BERANGER, Celisa | Revelações Explorando Recursos da Carta Natal. Rio de janeiro: Espaço do Céu, 2003. |
BERTHON, Jacques | Ecole Supérieure dÀstrologie de Paris- Cours par correspondance. Paris: Année, 1978. |
BIRUNI, Al | The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the art of Astrology |
BIZEMONT, Dorothée Koechlin | Astrologia Cármica |
BOCCANERA, Alexandre | Psicologia do Viver. Rio de Janeiro: CC&P EDITORES, 1998. |
BOEUFFLE, André | Astronomie Astrologie |
BONATUS, Guide | The Astrologer`s Guide |
BRAESCH, Suzel Fuzeau | A Astrologia |
BURCKBARDT, Titus | Clé spirituelle de l’Astrologie Mulsumane |
CALDAS, Márcio Malard | Zodíaco: Espelho da vida na Terra, 2001 |
CARTER, Charles E. O. | Enciclopedia de Astrologia Psicologica |
CARVALHO, Olavo | Teoria do Conhecimento |
CARVALHO, Olavo | O Caráter Como Forma Pura de Personalidade |
CHOISNARD, Paul | Saint Thomas D’Aquin et l’Influence des astres |
COLEY, Henry | Key of the Whole Art of Astrology vol. I |
COZZI, Steve | Planets in Locality |
CRANE, Joseph | A Pratical Guide to Traditional Astrology |
CUNNINGHAM, Donna | A Lua na sua Vida. Rio de Janeiro: Record: Nova Era, 1999. |
DARIOT, Claudius | A Brief and Most Easy Introduction to the Astrological Judgement of the Stars |
DEAN, Geoffrey | Recent Advances in Natal Astrology |
DEVORE, Nicholas | Enciclopedia Astrologica |
DICKSON, Gladys | A Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology |
DIVERSOS AUTORES | The future of Astrology |
DIVERSOS AUTORES | O Timeu de Platão e a Astrologia |
DOANE, Doris Chase | How to Prepare and Pass an Astrologer’s Certificate Exam |
DOBIN, Joel C. Rabbi | The Astrological Secrets of the Hebrew Sages |
DORSAN, Jacques | Lástrologie et La Bourse – Manuel D’astrologie Boursière |
DUMON, Eloy R.
| Manual de Astrologia Moderna. Buenos Aires: Sírio, 1987. |
EBERTIN, Reinhold | The Combination of Stellar Influences |
EZRA, Auraham Ibn | The Beginning of Wisdom – year 1148 |
EZRA, Auraham Ibn | Le livre Des Fondements Astrologiques |
FILBEY, John | The Astrologer`s. Companion Wellingborogh: Aquarian, 1986. |
FLUDD, Robert | Traité de Astrologie Generale |
GADBURY, John | The Nativity of King Charles |
GONICK, Jacob | Até que Enfim Eu Vou Eentender Astrologia |
GOUVEIA, Theresinha | Astrologia Pela Criança. São Paulo: Máster Book, 1998. |
GRANT, Ernest. A. | Synthesis of the Horoscope. Tempe: AFA, 1988. (Grant Textbook series, v.3) |
GREEN, Landis Knight | Manual do Astrólogo. São Paulo: Pensamento, 1975. |
GREENE, Liz | The Astrology of Fate |
GUIMARÃES, Isabel | Guia de Orientação Astrologica |
| Le Monde Juif et L’Astrologie |
HAND, Robert | Horoscope Symbols |
HAND, Robert | Essays on Astrology |
HARDING, Michael | Hymms to the Ancient Gods |
HELINE, Corinne | The Bible and the Stars |
HOFFMAN, Linneu | Astrologia: análise de um mito. Rio de Janeiro: Achiame, 1982. |
HOLDEN, James Herschel | The Judgements of Nativities – ABU’ALI AL-KHAYYAT |
HOWELL, Alice O. | O simbolismo Junguiano na Astrologia |
HUGHES, David | The Star of Bethlehem |
JANGL, Alda Marian | The Astrological Prayerbook |
JONES, Marc Edmund | Mundane Perspective in Astrology |
JONES, Marc Edmund | The Essentials of Astrological Analysis. Stanwood: sabian, 1974. |
KEPLER, Jean | Le Secret Du Monde |
KLUSKA, Edward J. | Astrological Megatrens 1996 |
LARSEN, Ludwig B. | “The LittleBook”Key to the Bible and Heaven |
LEHMAN, J. Lee | Essential Dignities |
LEHMAN, J. Lee | Classical Astrology for Modern Living from Ptolomy to Psychology |
LEWIS, James R . | The Astrology Encyclopedia |
LIBRA, C. Ag. | Astrology its Technics & Ethics |
LILLY, William | Christian Astrology |
LILLY, William | Christian Astrology Index |
LILLY, William | Christian Astrology ( 3 volumes em 1) |
LITT, Thomas | Les Corps Célestes Dans L’Univers de Saint Thomas d’Aquin |
LOEWE, Michael & BLACKER, Carmen | Ancient Cosmologies |
LONG, Sylvia | Guideposts to Mystical and Mundane Interpretations |
LONG’S, Jeanne | A Traders Astrological Almanac |
MANILIUS, M. | Manilius Astronomica |
MANILIUS, M. | The Five Books |
MARKS, Tracy | Curso Básico de Astrologia: I, I e III |
MARKS, Tracy | A Astrologia da Autodescoberta. São Paulo: Pensamento, 1985. |
MARKS, Tracy | The Art of Chart Interpretation. Sebastopol: CRCS Publ., 1986. |
MASCHEVILLE, Enimia Costet | Luz e Sombra Elementos Básicos da Astrologia |
MATERNUS, Firmicius | Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice |
MAYER, Michael | The Mistery of Personal Identity |
MEDEIROS, João | A Carta |
MICHEL, Albin | L’astrologie |
NASR, Seyyed Hossein | Islamic Cosmological Doctrines |
NEGUS, Joan | Basic Astrology: a guide for teachers and students. San Diego: ACS, 1987. |
NEGUS, Kenneth G. | Kepler’s Astrology – Excerpts |
NOONAN, George C. | Classical Scientific Astrology |
NORTH, John | Astronomy and Cosmology |
OKEN, Alan | Astrologia: O Cosmo e Você |
OKEN, Alan | Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology |
OKEN, Alan | O Horóscopo – Sua Viagem Astrológica |
OMARR, Sydney | My World of Astrology. Hollywood: Wilshire, 1965. |
PADROSA, Joan Marimón | Historia del Arte Através de La Astrologia |
PALMER, Lynne | ABC chart erection. Rev. ed. Tempe:AFA, 1980. |
PARTRIDGE, John | Art of Astrology |
PARTRIDGE, John | Treatise of Astrology |
PINGREE, David & KENNED E.S. | The Astrological History of Masha Allah |
PLACIDUS | Primum mobile |
QUISTBERG, Sally | Astrology en La Biblia |
RAGEL, Ali Bem | El libro Conplido em los Indizios de las Estrellas |
RAMOS, Beth | Astrologia Descomplicada. Rio de Janeiro: Ao livro técnico, 2000. |
RAMSEY, William | Astrologie Reftored: being na introduction to the general and chief part of the language of the stars em 4 volumes |
RILEY, Mark | A Survey of Vettius Valens |
ROSE, Christina | Astrological Counseling: a basic guide to astrological themes in person to person understanding. Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1984. |
RUDHYAR, Dane | Astrologia da Personalidade |
RUDHYAR, Dane | An Astrological Study of Psychological Complexes |
SALMON, William | The Soul of Astrology ( 4 livros ) |
SAPORTAS, Howard & GREENE, Lis | O Desenvolvimento da Personalidade (português e inglês) |
SAPORTAS, Howard & GREENE, Lis | A Dinâmica do Inconsciente |
SAUDERS, Richard | The Astrological Judgement and Practice of Physick |
SCHMIDT, Robert | Universal Techniques of the Hermetic Tradition |
SCHOENER, Johannes | On the Judgements of Nativities – Book I |
SEM AUTOR | The Spirit of Partridge |
SEM AUTOR | ASTROLOGIA. São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1985. |
SENARD, M. | Le Zodiaque ( Clef de l’ontologie appliqué a la psychologie |
SEYMOUR, Percy | Astrologia, A Evidência Científica |
SIBLY, Ebenezer | Illustration of the Celestial Science |
SIBLY, Ebenezer | A complete Illustration of the Astrological and Occult Sciences |
STAHL, William Harris | Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts – volume I |
The Magi Society | Astrology Really Works |
VAUGHAN, Richard B. | Astrologia em Linguagem Moderna |
VILHENA, Enrique | Tratado de Astrologia |
WEISS, Adolfo | Astrologia Racional |
WEMYSS, Maurice | The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology volume I ao III |
WEST, Jonh Anthony | Em Defesa da Astrologia. São Paulo: Siciliano, 1992. |
ZOLLER, Robert | Fate Free Will Astrology |
ZONDAG, Karen Hamaker | Os 4 Elementos e os Caminhos da Energia vol I |
MÉDICA (133.5861)
Autor | Título |
BLAGRAVE, Joseph | Astrological Practice of Physick discovering the true way to cure |
COOK, Judith | Dr. Simon Forman – a most notorious physician |
CORNELL, Howard Leslie | Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology. 3. rev. ed. York Beach: S. Weiser, 1992. |
CRAMER, Diane L. | How to Give an Astrological Health Reading |
CULPEPER, Nicholas | Complete Herbal & English physician |
CULPEPER, Nicholas | Astrological Judgement of Diseases |
CUNNINGHAM, Donna | Astrologia e Cura Através das Vibrações. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1988. |
DAATH, Heinrich | Medical Astrology |
DARLING, Harry F. | Essentials of Medical Astrology. Tempe: AFA, 1981 |
DIVERSOS AUTORES | Astrologia e Saúde |
EBERTIN, Reinhold | Astrological Healing The history and practice of Astromedicine |
EMERIT, Docteur J. E. | Acupuncture et Astrologie |
GARRETT, Jim and Helen | The Horoscope and the Appetite |
GEDDES, Sheila (2) | Astrologia e Saúde. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1988. |
HALL, Manly P. | Paracelsus – His Mistycal and Medical Philosophy |
JAMES, Gordon | The Secrets of Doctor John Dee |
JANSKY, Robert Carl | Astrology Nutrition & Health |
JANSKY, Robert Carl | Essays in Medical Astrology |
JANSKY, Robert Carl | Introduction to Holistic Medical Astrology |
NAUMAN, Eileen | The American Book of Nutrition & Medical Astrology |
PERRY, Inez Eudora | The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation – Part one |
POILANE, Michel | La Santé par l’Astrologie Medicale |
SURANY, G. B. | Manuel d’Astrologie Mondiale |
WEMYSS, Maurice | The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology volumeS IV e V |
WILLMOTT, Jonathan Clogstown | Western Astrology & Chinese Medicine |
Autor | Título |
Enciclopédia I, II e III | |
FRANZ | Misterios do Tempo |
JEAN LANG | Mitos Universais |
JONES | Myths of the Zodiac |
Autor | Título |
HIEROZ, J. (Manilius e Morin) | Manilus et La Tradition Astrologique vols. I II |
MORIN | Astrologia Gallica book 22 Directions |
MORIN | Remarques Astrologiques |
MORIN | Astrologia Gallica book 23 Revolutions |
MORIN | Cornerstones of Astrology ( V.I) |
MORIN | The théorie des Determinations Astrologiques |
MORIN | Astrologia Gallica book 13, 14, 15, 19 |
MORIN | Minha Vida Perante os Astros . Rio de Janeiro: Espaço do Céu, 2002. |
MORIN | Astrologia Gallica book 24 Progressions and Transits |
MORIN | Astrosynthesis |
MORIN | Astrologia Gallica book 18 The strengths of the Planets
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